Graduation and ICRA 2023 update (Award Finalist!)
2023-May-05 by Warley Ribeiro
On March 24th, I received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Aerospace Engineering from Tohoku University. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity and support provided by Prof. Kazuya Yoshida, my research colleagues, and all the staff team from the lab and the university. This graduation also concludes the examination in the Graduate Program for Integration of Mechanical Systems (GP-Mech).
As for the ICRA 2023 Conference, the details of our presentation were announced. I will make my poster presentation in the Space Robotics session on Thursday, June 1st from 15:00 to 16:40. And our paper was also selected as a finalist for an Outstanding Paper in Manipulation Award. This selection grants us the opportunity for an oral presentation, scheduled for the Award Finalists 3 Session on Wednesday, May 31st at 09:30.